
Learning Life Principles from the Kings of the Old Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

This book takes you through a complete study of some of the most notable kings of Israel from the Old Testament. Characters from this list are included in this Bible study workbook: • Saul Hezekiah • David Josiah • Solomon Zerrubbabel & Ezra • Jereboam I Nehemiah • Asa Ahab • Jehoshaphat the True King These books include twelve interactive lessons of God's sufficiency and...

Along with this, are there any issues in the past that you can’t change but you can repent of and make any restoration necessary? Are there any temptations on the horizon you need to say “no” to because of what you have learned this week? Guard yourself from wavering on this by making yourself accountable to a trusted, godly friend. Share with them your commitment to not becoming unequally yoked, and ask them to pray for you. Spend some time in prayer with the Lord right now. Father, I want
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